Welcome Students.
Instructions for the exam login portal are outlined below. You will be given 3 hours to complete the exam.
You may reach out to the instructor or proctor if you have any difficulties with logging in, passwords, or the
exam portal.
Step One www.coloniccoursecanada.com
Step Two Student Login
Step Three Read the instructions – Click on the “Register/Login” button
Step Four Register (Right Side)
Step Five Check your email for password setting link – (check junk mail)
Step Six follow the link to “create Password” (Left Side)
Step Seven Enter the Exam portal and start from Part 1 to 4
You must complete each part before you can move forward
You must answer each question before you can move forward
You will receive your grade for each section that you complete
A final grade will be given upon completion of all 4 parts
To Your Success,
Mary Taylor